hi hi hello !!

my name is beebs! I'm a 17-year old slimegirl with a basic understanding of html. (´꒳`)ノ♡I decided to compile a website of sources for myself because most of the major resource carrds are gone.this website not only includes stuff for carrds (both pro and non pro), but also other html sites, such as neocities or spacehey.

check out my neocities for more about me!

(mostly) carrd specific

cakepop xyz callie scripted pochi haunted whimsical ishimori codes galaxy

(mostly) neocities specific

neocities resource page webmastering creatablog

(mostly) spacehey specific

just a big masterpost with everything i could say lol

when i say "specific", i mean that they use terminology that is attuned to the platform listed. however, html is pretty universal, so i reccomend frankensteining your concepts :3

hey?! where are the pictures!!!

carrd has limitations. i can't put every single gif i find without premium (╥_╥)...not like it matter hehe. my collection is on neocities! hooray!!

click the octavia for my trove! ^^